A day for solutions
So I went and asked for access to a friends vpn, which resulted in the question "how many photo's do you have?"
Result is a two day crash course polishing my C# skills, check the result.
The sudokuboard has some issues with random generation, so i generalised the problem to random loot and made a dropsystem. The object should have a loot(PlayerId) method that checks how much that player looted from the object and holds it against what the object should drop. if a player has looted all objects max. times the playerloots should reset.
object player object-drops looted-from-by object-id player-id looted-object-id looted-object-id name name dropped-object-id dropped-object-id nr-times looted-by nr-times update from Gamasutra on random drops and sequal
I'm workin’ on a sudoku board in C#. At the moment i have a litle board fixed to 9*9 size and try to make a nice background classes that are more variable.
Workin' board
A friend of mine asked me to design something of a board to manage tasks in projects. Project is in designing phase.
For the Wombatcrew and residents association I was asked to make a piece of a website. Once I made it, the fools went with a giant CMS that at the moment is dying away because they don't know how to use.