Final thesis
For this last half year I shall be one of the Ulab graduates, Ulab is the joint project between Evident Interactive and Hogeschool Utrecht.Minor Serious games en E-didactiek
Another project I have been involved in, where the assignment was to make a serious game in the Flash/ActionScript environment. Here are some links to resources in the project.Bingo
well another time at school, another big project for me and some students to work on, this time it is a software complyancy tool. Developped in house at the HU it just is a big bowl of spagetti and for what I see not productive enough to actually get the credits it is given.Internship
2012-2013 I did a half year of internship contact me if you like a preview of the document.Sharepoint
As a prestige assignment me and three colleague students grouped up to try and find a solution for the event calendar project. Link to preview documentation.